Welcome to Echelon! This doc will give a high level understanding of how to integrate with our Echelon Testnet Environment. This document will provide method documentation for Echelon, with addresses supplied here.

Lending Core

Lending and Borrowing Actions (non-entry)

public fun supply<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    market_obj: Object<Market>,
    asset: Coin<CoinType>

Supplies a specific amount of CoinType to the market, which is credited to the lender’s account in exchange for interest-bearing tokens.

public fun withdraw<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    market_obj: Object<Market>,
    shares_to_withdraw: u64
): Coin<CoinType>

Withdraws a specific amount of coins (CoinType) from the market by redeeming a specified amount of interest-bearing tokens.

public fun borrow<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    market_obj: Object<Market>,
    amount: u64
): Coin<CoinType>

Allows a user to borrow a specific amount of CoinType from the market.

public fun repay<CoinType>(
    borrower: &signer,
    market_obj: Object<Market>,
    asset: Coin<CoinType>

Repays the borrowed amount along with the accrued interest back to the market.

public fun supply_fa(
    account: &signer,
    market_obj: Object<Market>,
    asset: FungibleAsset

Supplies a specific amount of fungible assets to the market in exchange for interest-bearing tokens.